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Fernando Moreira's Tactical Tracking School offers classes for all Military and Law Enforcement Agencies.

Our techniques can be applied to any law enforcement and search and rescue situation, requiring fresh or cold evidences to include lost or endangered people. Our courses provide proven tactics and techniques, that can be applied to both rural and urban environments.

We have a recognized record of success, used at local, state and federal levels, in law enforcement/visual man-tracking conditions. Our techniques and students have successfully located people and critical evidence during SWAT responses, search and rescue operations and forensic criminal investigative efforts. 


We have trained and worked with law enforcement, military units and search and rescue teams, on a national and international level.


We can customize training/operational professional tracking needs, with you or a designated agency representative.


My team and I will travel to your jurisdiction to provide training in the environment that your law enforcement or SAR work in, on a daily basis.


Tracking is not a lost art, but rather an underutilized modern science. Let us show you how. Together we can make a difference.


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